Points for a house in Oxhey

55 years (oral history)

[So, we’ve got as far as saying…you had the two rooms, and because you had the baby on the way]

Because you had the baby on the way you got points then, and then 19 months after I had Chris, I was pregnant and I had boy…and I had enough points then, and I was given this brand new council house, with 3 bedrooms and 140ft of garden, and I didn’t know where I was, it was fantastic.

And we lived there all those years, 54, 55 years, and my husband wasn’t well anyway, and he decided it was time to move to these flats in Wood Waye.  There were some going so we went and looked at it.  It was only 4 lamp posts from the house we lived in.  I am alright passing it now, going along Green Lane it automatically turned right, after 50 years I couldn’t control the car.  It wanted to go up Anthony Close it had done it for so long.

[So you have seen a lot of changes in Oxhey over the time]

Yes, I am glad we have got one of each shop here, I think the butchers is very good, the green grocer’s is lovely, you know and Taylors, well you can get anything in there, it’s very, very good.

This page was added on 19/10/2012.

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